
Beat the Heat

Summer is my favorite time and with temperatures like this we need to do everything a bit more easy-going, while enjoying the beautiful sunny weather. It's like this weather makes everything better, It makes people more beautiful because the sun tans your skin. Sunlight is also good for the process of creating vitamins. I also love the food this season, summer soups and salads.
I'm not only easy-going in my behavior, but also in my outfits. I just let my hair fall or pin it up and wear my bikini. A lot of dresses, skirts and shorts are coming out of the closet again and I don't like to be stuck in some tight uniform these days. I love these relaxed times.
For me there is one problem with these temperatures. Unless I drink a lot of water and try to avoid being in the sun for too long a time, there always comes a headache with the heat. Because of that I thought about something my grandmother used to do with these temperatures. Since I've being doing this too if feel a lot better, so I thought you deserved to know about it. Every morning, at the beginning of a hot day, my grandmother drank a big cup of bouillon. I also tried this trick and it seems to work quite well. Thank you grandmother!

I use 500 ml hot water and a halve a bouillon block. U can also buy bouillon specially made to drink.

How are those temperatures for you?

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